Camel Spider

Camel Spiders

Camel spiders, or Solifugae, as they are also known are a species of spider that became popular in the 1990's during the Gulf War. Troops stationed in the middle east were not used to seeing these massive spiders and rumors about them started being spread, Some of the rumors included the spider being able to run up to 30 miles per hour, having an extremely poisonous bite, they can jump up to three feet high, and are as large as a Frisbee.
Photo: A camel spider
A Camel Spider in its natural habitat.

The Facts :

Top Speed: Camel spiders actual top speed is around 10 miles per hour. Which is still fast for a small creature.

Size: The actual size of a camel spider is around 8 inches long although some spiders can be longer.

Poison: Camel spiders are not actually poisonous, their bite is only as harmful as their pincers.

More info:

If you are wishing to learn more about camel spiders some great links are listed below.

The Video below shows a camel spider being aggressive. Camel spiders are usually pretty harmless to humans unless they are provoked, then they will defend themselves. This video also showcases how the camel spider is able to remain at the top of the food chain in the desert in respect to the desert.

The Picture to the right shows the percentage of poisonous spiders in the US.

The most important thing to do in the case of a spiderbite is to remain calm. It is important to seek help as fast as possible. Today, antidotes for spider bites are very effective so receiving a spider bite from a highly toxic spider  bite may not be as serious.

1 comment:

  1. There are many misconceptions about them..They never attack humans rather they run for shades
